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This week’s front cover sees a military, ex MoD, Foden dump truck alongside a Hitachi ZX130 excavator, both of which are offer at GPSV auctions on 23rd November. See the…

Hitachi has introduced the largest Zaxis-7 model in its super-long front excavator range. The ZX490LCH-7 HE16LD with 16m reach has a longer boom and arm and heavier counterweight than the…

Hitachi Construction Machinery is launching the new ZX135USL-7 forestry excavator. Designed for a variety of applications such as logging, log felling, loading and digging, it is assembled at HCME’s factory…

PJ Towey Construction Ltd, a loyal customer of Hitachi Construction Machinery UK (HCMUK), celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.  The Nottingham-based company specialises in groundworks and civil engineering services for…

Carmac Building and Civil Engineering Ltd has opted to have every new Hitachi Zaxis-7 excavator fitted with 3D machine control and special attachment solutions provided by Hitachi Connected Technology (HCT)….

Three new special application machines have been developed to maximise efficiency, uptime and safety on heavy-duty and demolition projects. Improved performance and safety The ZX390TC-7 tool-carrier model has been specially…

As sponsors of the Newcastle Falcons rugby club, Hitachi Construction Machinery UK have teamed up with Synergy Hire to raise funds for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation. Started by former…

To meet the growing demand for 40-tonne-class machines in Europe, capable of boosting productivity and efficiency on heavy duty applications and demolition job sites, Hitachi has launched the ZX390TC-7. Based…

Civil engineering contractor M.V. Kelly has purchased its 2,000th excavator from Hitachi Construction Machinery UK (HCMUK). Specialising in housebuilding and groundworks, M.V. Kelly also engages in larger civil engineering excavations…

To meet the growing demand for 40-tonne-class machines in Europe, capable of boosting productivity and efficiency on heavy duty applications and demolition job sites, Hitachi presents the ZX390TC-7. Based on…

BCL Groundworks Operations Director Gary Caddick has demonstrated remarkable loyalty in using Hitachi construction machinery throughout his career. Working for a family business up to the launch of his own…

Hitachi Construction Machinery has been operating in Europe for 50 years from this year. To commemorate this important milestone, the company is celebrating its success over five decades together with…

Expanding its range of connected machinery, Hitachi Construction Machinery (HCME) is now offering its Zaxis-7 excavators ranging from 10 to 50 tonnes with factory-fitted 2D and 3D machine control solutions…

Construction materials group, Breedon has invested in two new Hitachi large excavators for its Cloud Hill and Dowlow quarries in Derbyshire. The two ZX890LCR-7s were selected due to the excellent…

Two Hitachi ZX530LCH-7 large excavators have been delivered by Switzerland’s authorised Hitachi dealer, Probst Maveg. The new Zaxis-7 models have high traction and steering power, which is particularly advantageous in…