Read All Hitachi Mini Excavators Updates & Information (6)

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Hitachi Construction Machinery UK donated 21 “ride-on toy mini diggers” to local schools, to encourage youngsters excited about the construction industry and deliver on our commitment to the South Tyneside…

As the demand for alternatively-fuelled construction machinery continues to grow, Hitachi has revealed two new zero-emission excavators: the ZX55U-6EB and the ZX85-6EB. Battery-Powered and Efficient These models are both battery-operated…

Hitachi’s range of  Zaxis-6 mini excavators has been updated with several new features. The new models, from the ZX10U-6 to the ZX65USB-6, comply with the latest harmonised standards for machinery…

Malcolm Harrison have a whole series of Hitachi ZX33U-6 mini diggers going through their Prees Plant sale on Saturday November 4th in Shropshire. There’s viewing on the Thursday and Friday…

PJ Towey Construction Ltd, a loyal customer of Hitachi Construction Machinery UK (HCMUK), celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.  The Nottingham-based company specialises in groundworks and civil engineering services for…

Hitachi Construction Machinery has introduced a five-tonne battery-powered excavator. Zero emissions As well as zero exhaust emissions, the first Hitachi-branded model in this class delivers lower noise levels, enhanced efficiency,…