Read All Hamm Double Drum Rollers Updates & Information (1)

Welcome to the news and information pages for Hamm Double Drum Rollers. At Plant Pages we categorise our news to help you, the reader, get straight to the information you are looking for. This should help whether that is about reading about a manufacturer like Hamm in general or being more specific and looking at the news for just Hamm Double Drum Rollers like those on these pages. Use the drop drown filter in the sidebar to get to the news category that interests you most. If you are researching a particular manufacturer or model because you are thinking of buying a new or used machine, then you can find a list of all Hamm Double Drum Rollers for sale. here at Plant Pages.

The range of HD+ tandem rollers have been a firm fixture in the product range of roller manufacturer Hamm for many years. Back in the summer of 2023, new models were launched spanning all weight classes, all featuring the relevant interfaces for digital applications. Plus, the Easy Drive operating concept was also introduced to machines…

Easy Drive in the 7 to 8 t class plus six new models From summer 2023, the HD+ series from Hamm is expanding by six new roller models for asphalt construction with operating weights of 7 t and 8 t. Hamm fits the HD+ 70i and HD+ 80i (EPA Tier 4/EU Stage V) models with…